The Milopilot company website is published by this Milopilot company.

The Milopilot company is located at 16 rue Yves Kerguelen, 22190 PLERIN, France, and is registered in the “Registre National des Entreprises” (RNE)  under the SIRET number 92536000000010.



Milopilot is an individual company represented by Philippe Dufossé, residing at 16 rue Yves Kerguelen, 22190 PLERIN, France.


We can be reached by email at . If contact by telephone is necessary, a telephone number may be communicated by email.

VAT identification number : Company not subject to VAT.

The site is hosted by the company IONOS SARL,
address: 7, place de la Gare BP 70109 57200 Sarreguemines Cedex France

Contact: tel: 0970 808 911 email:


Intellectual property

The Milo autopilot actuator is the subject of a patent and therefore remains the intellectual and exclusive property of Milopilot.
Any reproduction of this actuator, total or partial, without the express consent of Milopilot is prohibited.

The driver electronics are not protected and can therefore be reproduced.

The driver software, as mentioned on the site, is “open source”, and can therefore be reproduced, as is or modified.

Sales channel

The autopilot is not directly sold through this website. It is sold through a separated website (a “marketplace” website).


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